
The fall 2021 秋季学期结束 is nearly ready to launch. 在完成CC100/120模块1和2后,一年级学生可以申请模块3和模块4的半学期课程. Stay tuned for more information about the application process.

  • Application opens: June 18
  • Submission deadline: August 1
  • Selection announcement: August 16
  • Last day to withdraw without financial penalty: September 22


你渴望出国留学,但又渴望在赌博正规的十大网站开始你的学习吗? First-year students at CC can benefit from the 秋季学期结束 program, a half-semester program in Greece 和 Italy. 该计划从新生培训和CC100/120序列(也称为CC100/120)开始 第一年课程在校园里. 后来, 第3和第4模块将在欧洲举行,CC教授和学生将与您一起在国外进行身临其境的体验.

Shaping the 景观: Reciprocal Relations Between Geography 和 Humanity

Shaping the 景观: Reciprocal Relations Between Geography 和 Humanity is a critical analysis of the environment 和 multicultural societies, explored through reasoning, 文化身份, human behavior 和 textual 和 historical analysis 和 writing. 两个街区序列是专门为赌博正规的十大网站的学生设计的,他们想要体验CC在街区计划下提供的所有最好的东西:在地方背景下的沉浸式学习体验. The two blocks are designed to link analysis 和 interpretation of meaning societies 和 human behavior, satisfying two critical inquiry across the curriculum requirements.



学生 arrive on campus


New Student Orientation

August 30 - September 22

Block 1 - CC100 on campus

September 27 - October 20

Block 2 - CC120 on campus

October 22 - November 19

Block 3 - CO 121/EN 280 - Literature, Place, 和 the World: Greek Environments 丽莎·休斯,古典语言文学副教授

November 21 - December 12

Block 4 - ED250 - Ecology, Resistance, 和 Liberation with 迈克·坦纳, Professor of education


CO121 / EN280 - Literature, Place, 和 the World: Greek Environments
Block 3 on location in Greece

 “如果你解散希腊,你最终会看到一棵橄榄树、一棵葡萄藤和一艘船. That is, with as much, you can reconstruct her.伴随着诺贝尔奖得主诗人奥德修斯·埃利蒂斯的这些话,我们将阅读古代的文学杰作,并在当代世界寻找证实. The environments of Greece, l和scapes 和 seascapes, 塑造了作为文学和纪念碑延续到21世纪的神话. 学生 will explore the intersections of natural l和scape, built l和scapes in monumental structures, 和神话. In the sacred spaces of the Athenian acropolis, the rich olive groves 和 vineyards of the Peloponnesos, 和 Homer's "wine-dark sea", 我们将逐渐了解自然环境在人类环境的建设和创造中继续发挥的作用。”Hellenismos或希腊身份. Satisfies the all college requirement of Historical Perspectives or Analysis 和 Interpretation of Meaning.

Lisa B. Hughes, Associate Professor of classical languages 和 literature, 在英语和比较文学之间有一个职位,并定期在五年计划项目中授课. 她在希腊和土耳其教过几十门CC课程,包括奥德修斯的世界:历史和神话, 景观, 纪念碑, 和神话, Gender Trouble on the Acropolis, Naked Olympics: The Spirit of Competition in Ancient Greece. 作为雅典美国古典研究学院的资深成员,她目前正在撰写一本关于希腊作为好莱坞浪漫喜剧背景的书, The Greece Effect 和 the Rebirth of Romantic Comedy.

ED250 - Ecology, Resistance, 和 Liberation
Block 4 on Location in Rome 和 Florence, Italy

What shapes a society? 本课程设置在两个不同的,但历史上重要的城市在意大利. 我们将从雅典过渡到罗马,并研究在固定边界是狭隘主义构建的地方,为叙事发声意味着什么. 地图从来不是无辜的,它只是当权者意识形态的代表. As we venture from Rome to Florence, we develop a new paradigm from the old, 形成一个新的, personal 本体 that incorporates social, 政治, 经济, 个人价值观. 我们对询问者和询问者之间的关系有了更深的理解, including ethical concerns that arise from subjectivity. 本课程的目标是透过认识论,培养学生对地球与社会的批判意识, 本体, 和 praxis; to give a voice to the forces, 迹象, 伤口, 和 messages dispersed upon the 政治 ecology, always keeping in mind the link between ecologies is grounded in cultural, 政治, 和 physical systems that give rise to conflict 和 resolution. All-College Requirement:  societies 和 human behavior

迈克·坦纳, Professor of Education 和 Environmental Science, 热衷于理解社会是如何从人类加入群体的能力中形成的, to learn in social contexts, 拥抱和放弃我们的个性,以便感觉自己是集体的一部分. 迈克在教育和气候变化领域工作了近28年, focusing on interpretation of data through the lens of the proletarian, particularly as climate change effects social systems. 他的教学兴趣是多年来专注于科学家如何, 哲学家, 认知科学家, 教育研究者构建了新的扩展学习进阶教学法, particularly in historically rich contexts such as Italy.

For information about 秋季学期结束, please contact 艾伦Bertsche.



参加秋季学期(FSA)计划需要一些特殊的计划,以便充分利用这些身临其境的学术冒险. Please read below 和 get ready to go!


All FSA students must hold a current U.S. 护照的有效期至少要比12月的项目结束时间晚6个月. 学生 who hold non-U.S. 护照应与招生办公室联系,了解有关其安排和入学要求的具体细节.


所有参加校外学习的学生都需要遵守常规的学生保险要求, in addition to study abroad considerations. 为你的校外经历做计划并不局限于打包清单和教科书, 它还需要包括花在考虑你的健康选择和获取途径上的时间.

Travel can put an undue amount of emotional strain on an individual, 虽然你的许多校外经历将是有益的和积极的, 我们也意识到,重大变化可能带来不可预见的影响和结果. 考虑到这一点, it is important that should you have any concerns whatsoever, that you speak with your doctor, mental health professional, 或其他医疗保健提供者建议你如何照顾自己和解决任何心理健康需求. If you think you may potentially need accommodation for any disabilities, 请联系招生办公室,这样我们就可以帮你联系到合适的人,讨论你在国外学习期间可能需要什么样的住宿.

所有参加CC海外项目的学生和教师领导都享有SOS紧急旅行援助和UHP健康保险. For more information, see the International 项目 健康与安全 page.

Pre-Departure Planning


在国外长期包装的一个很好的基本经验法则是少即是多. Pack only what you will absolutely need, saving room for personal purchases 和 souvenirs while you're abroad. 一个大的包是你应该随身携带的最大数量——无论是一个行李包还是一个背包.

Do you really need three jackets? 不,不,你不需要! Pack one that covers all your bases - warmth, waterproof, 和 lightweight. Think function for packing, fashion for purchasing!

We recommend packing one week's worth of clothing, 然后在你旅途中找到的任何提供或便宜的设施洗衣服.

Tuition, Fees, 和 Expenses

So, what does all this awesomeness cost? Well, your classes will be at the same rate as regular CC tuition. 你的食宿和住在学校的双人间是一样的, 在饮食计划上. A group flight from Denver to Europe 和 back to the US, as well as transportation within Europe are covered by tuition 和 fees. 学生们必须预订12月份从返程枢纽飞往家乡机场的航班.

Arrival at CC Pre-departure Orientation


报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/10/2022